Unlock IC FAQ
How to place an order for unlocking IC
After you agree to the price for unlocking IC, Please send the original sample according to the provided sample receiving address.
Can I still return the original sample after unlocking MCU?
Please note: After unlocking MCU, we generally do not return the original sample!
Can you can crack all MCU?
There are thousands of chip models available. We can only unlock IC with existing mature solutions.
Is IC cracking legal?
The chips we unlock are only from legitimate sources. IC cracked for learning and development purposes only!
Can I get a refund if the IC break fails?
We have always required successful unlocking before receiving payment. IC break failed and all fees (excluding shipping) will be refunded
How to deal with soft encryption found on test samples?
There are chips with soft encryption, and customers must provide a set of original products with normal functions for us to test, modify, and debug