Stm32f303 stm32l unlock successfully 2025

Stm32f303 stm32l unlock Successfully

The STM32F3-series has a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4 core (DSP, FPU) running at 72 MHz and integrates multiple analog peripherals to reduce application cost and simplify application design. It includes:
Fast and ultra-fast comparators (<30 ns)
Operational Amplifier (PGA) with Programmable Gain
12-bit DAC
Ultra-fast 12-bit ADC with 5 M samples per second for a single channel (18 M samples per second in alternate mode)
Accurate 16-bit sigma-delta ADC (21 channels)
144 MHz fast motor control timer (resolution < 7 ns)
CCM (Core Coupled Memory) is a memory architecture dedicated to time-critical programs in RAM that can increase performance by 43%
The STM32F3 family of MCUs is pin-compatible with the STM32F0 and STM32FF1 families and has the same peripherals. This ensures a shortened design cycle when optimizing device performance to meet application needs, provides superior flexibility in designing subsequent applications, and is becoming more widely used in the market. In response to market demand, we provide STM32F303 series IC unlock program to read, some chip models can be disassembled, source code is provided, and customers with chip decryption requirements can contact us.
The STM32F301 and STM32F302 general-purpose devices offer various peripheral options, from necessary low-cost peripherals to more analog functions and USB/CAN interfaces.
The STM32F303 is a full-featured product that manages dual FOC motor control with CCM – a memory architecture dedicated to time-critical programs in RAM.

The STM32F373 features a 16-bit sigma-delta ADC for high-precision measurements in biometric sensors and innovative metering applications
STM32F3x8 product line supports 1.8V operating voltage.

ST’s STM32L072 is an ultra-low-power ARM Cortex®-M0+-based 32-bit MCU integrated up to 192KB of flash memory.20KB SRAM, 6KB EEPROM and USB, ADC and DAC, operating at 32MHz, 0.95 DMIPS/MHz, working Voltage 1.65V-3.6V, operating temperature -40 to 125°C, low power consumption at 93 μA/MHz during operation, mainly used in gas/water meters and industrial sensors, health and sound system equipment, remote control and user interface, PC Design, game and GPS equipment, alarm system, wired and wireless sensors and video interconnection. This article introduces the main features of STM32L072, block diagram, clock tree, and the evaluation board B-L072Z-LRWAN1 Discovery kit’s main features, block diagram component layout, and Circuit Diagram.


Until today, our company can successfully crack STM32L072 MCU, so far is the first in China to break this model, and friends in need can contact us in time.

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